Zhermack Information Magazine

Measures to prevent infection by the Coronavirus

25 February 2020

Coronaviruses are members of a large family of enveloped viruses that cause diseases of varying severity. Some varieties lead to nothing more serious than common cold while others cause severe respiratory conditions like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory…

Mission 5: Wiz the Wizard

30 January 2020

With the help of Miss Zeta, Doc Wiz is getting all the ingredients he will need to prepare the alginates. He is so good at his job that his dental assistant stands back in admiration and compliments him!

Wiz the Wizard is the last episode of the web series The Zhermack mission. Enjoy the show!

Mission 4: A free weekend

10 January 2020

The last impressions have been taken and Doc Wiz can’t wait to go home and unwind, but Miss Zeta reminds him that the impressions have to be sent off to the laboratory before he can take off for the weekend.

But thanks to the alginate Hydrogum 5 Doc Wiz’s plans for the weekend are safe!

The Zhermack …

Mission 3: The beauty of orthodontics

27 December 2019

Even if he lives in outer space, Doc Wiz is not immune to the lure of social media. He has taken such a good snapshot that he absolutely has to share it with his followers… and with Mr Tech too!

So, here is The beauty of orthodontics, the third video from The Zhermack mission.

Enjoy the show!

Mission 2 – Silicones menu

10 December 2019

A new day is about to start for Doc Wiz and his assistant Miss Zeta.

Hydrorise, Elite HD+,… there are so many Zhermack silicones that our dentist sometimes feels like he is doing another job!

To find out which job, view the second episode of The Zhermack mission called Silicones menu.

Enjoy the show!

Mission 1 – The Mysterious Impression

4 December 2019

Doc Wiz is extremely adept at taking dental impressions, especially when he uses Zhermack products.

Even Mister Tech, who works alongside him, has realised this and never misses the chance to praise his colleagues’s talents.

The mysterious impression is the first episode of the web series …