Tag - methodologies

Dual arch impression taking

10 December 2021

Dual or double arch impression taking is a common technique in dentistry. It uses a special “dual arch” tray to produce an impression of both arches when the patient closes his mouth to maximum intercuspidation [1]. While dual arch impressions reproduce only the side on which the prosthesis is to be …

Impression taking in children

19 November 2021

Taking an impression from an adult is normally a routine procedure for an experienced dentist. In the vast majority of cases it is stressful neither for the dentist nor the patient unless the latter has a particularly strong pharyngeal reflex. In the worst hypothesis, a second impression may have to…

Veneers and duplication silicones

18 August 2018

In recent years, aesthetic rehabilitation of the front sector using veneers has experienced extensive development, both in terms of materials – ceramics and composite resins and applications of adhesive technique to cementing procedures – as well as in terms of operating protocols,…