Tag - prosthodontics

Bite registration: wax vs silicone

21 October 2018

Creating high precision prostheses involves taking impressions, and subsequently producing quality stone models, particularly in terms of the accuracy of detail reproduction and dimensional stability.…

Relining resins: characteristics and applications

18 September 2018

In recent years, in terms of fixed prostheses on natural teeth, we have witnessed a change in the usage prospects of mock-ups. These days, this step is no longer just a transitory clinical phase, but rather a moment at which adjustment can be made to improve the preparation, functionality (for instance…

Veneers and duplication silicones

18 August 2018

In recent years, aesthetic rehabilitation of the front sector using veneers has experienced extensive development, both in terms of materials – ceramics and composite resins and applications of adhesive technique to cementing procedures – as well as in terms of operating protocols,…