Zhermack Information Magazine

Mission 6 – Let’s fight the enemy

22 January 2021

The danger of infections in the dental studio is always just around the corner.

But Doc Wiz, Mister Tech and Miss Zeta are not afraid of the enemy: they perfectly know that hygiene and prevention are a guarantee to everyone’s protection, both for patients and professionals.

With “Let’s fight

Bite registration with thixotropic materials

18 January 2021

Bite registration is defined as a recording of the positional relationship between the two arches. (1) An accurate and stable bite registration facilitates the examination of the patient’s occlusion by the dental technician for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

As a matter of fact, errors…

Hard and Soft Relining: when to use one and when the other

8 January 2021

The purpose of denture relining

Denture relining materials are extensively used in dentistry to remodel the surfaces of dentures that come into contact with the soft tissues of the oral cavity1.

These materials are extremely useful in a number of clinical situations. In most cases, dentures are relined…