Zhermack Information Magazine

How to prevent the spread of infection in dental practices

6 September 2023

In the field of dentistry infectious agents can be transmitted by inhalation, injection, ingestion, and contact with the mucous membranes, with the conjunctiva or with the skin. [1].

In a dental practice, one of the main routes of transmission is direct exposure to blood or body fluids. Gingival

Impression techniques for use on edentulous patients

31 August 2023

Full edentulism is a fairly common problem and is often treated will full removable dentures. Clinicians use different materials and techniques to take the final impression. Adopting the correct impression technique improves the quality of the restoration, and therefore improves the patient’s…

5 flaws to be avoided for proper impression-taking

28 August 2023

Succeeding in obtaining a prefect impression is perhaps one of the most complex challenges facing dentists, especially when taking impressions on patients with fixed restorations (1).

It is interesting to note that a fairly high percentage of the impressions that leave dental practices and are …

Lingual orthodontics: materials and clinical procedures

23 June 2023

Lingual orthodontics is one of the possible orthodontic practices that can be used to approach, treat and correct a malocclusion.

It is a variant of classic vestibular multibracket fixed orthodontics, in which the brackets, archwires, ligatures and all of the auxiliary devices are primarily managed…