Category - Studio

The uses of gypsum in dentistry

30 August 2022

Gypsum is a mineral form of calcium sulphate dihydrate. It has been known for millennia and has been used for many purposes. 5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians used to fire “plaster of Paris” in open air furnaces. They then added water to make cement for assembling the blocks of the pyramids (e.g. the…

The advantages of scanning a dental impression

8 July 2022

Over the last decade, the spread of Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) has led to the development of digital technologies and new workflows in the field of dentistry. [1] Dentists are making an increasing use of intraoral scanners, which produce STL files and generate…

Dental veneer cementing

9 May 2022

The clinical success of dental veneers depends on various factors, including proper cementing. (1)

As far as the materials and techniques for the preparation of dental veneers are concerned (add internal link to the “Dental veneers: materials and preparation techniques”), they are usually fabricated…

Dental veneers: materials and preparation techniques

9 May 2022

The rehabilitation of the anterior sector is one of the most demanding and risky procedures for dentists as, in most cases, these treatments are carried out on young patients with high aesthetic demands [1].

Dental veneers are very thin ceramic plates (with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm) that are applied…

Bite registration materials: which one to choose?

11 March 2022

Bite registration materials: which one to choose? (1)

Correct occlusion is an essential aspect of dental rehabilitation. Occlusal load in particular can effect a rehabilitation’s durability. The biomechanical elements of occlusion were recently linked to biological, behavioural and neuromuscular…